Tue 07 Jan
$65 !! Sizziling Saturdays Can U Handle Me? Always 100% SATISFACTION GARUNTEED!!!! $65 - 34
(Louisville, EAST END)
A+ Reviews come see why!! What are you waiting for ??? - 20
(Louisville, Southern Indiana, JEFFERSONVILLE)
💆 12-4 today Be my pampered King and get the ♔ treatment! - 31
(Louisville, Highlands/Bardstown&Taylorsville; Rd.)
♡Veronica Wants to get her hands on you* Come see what new tricks I have to offer*in late** - 24
(East end, Louisville)
!!!!@@@NEW GIRL ALLIE!!! Red Head,, Eager to Release YOUR STRESS!!!! 502-758-6972 - 25
(Louisville, southern indiana)
!!!@@@MISTRESS ARIEL @@@!!! For that ULTIMATE RELEASE and Stress Relief!!! - 40
(Louisville, Southern Indiana,, Jeffersonville)
!!!!!@@@PHOENIX@@@!!!!!!! NEW GIRL !!!!!!! NEW GIRL !!!!!! 502-881-6723 - 22
(Louisville, Southern Indiana,, Jeffersonville)
Mary is working 10am until after MIDNIGHT all week. Call 812-282-6642 - 40
(Louisville, jeffersonville)
💣💣💣💣My SkIlLs ArE tHe BoMb! qS 50$ Hh 75$ Fh 125$ CaLlS oNlY💣💣💣💣💣 - 23
(jeffersonville five mins from louisville, Louisville)
!!!@@@NEW GIRL@@@!!! SABRINA !!! Come fill my time all day, 502-276-7828 - 19
(Louisville, Southern Indiana, Jeffersonville)
!!!@@@NEW GIRL@@@!!! SABRINA !!! Come fill my time all day, 502-276-7828 - 18
(Louisville, Southern Indiana, Jeffersonville)
($65) STRIPPER GIVE's "SEXY" MASSAGE ($65) "COMPLETE" MaSSaGe 502.618.9297 - 25
(Louisville, DOWNTOWN)
Mary is working Sunday until after midnight; 11am until after MIDNIGHT all week. Call 812-282-6642 - 40
(jeffersonville, Louisville)
I'm back from my cruise. I'll be working all weekend until after midnight. 812-282-6642 - 40
(jeffersonville, Louisville)
5025933186 HeY ItS All AbOuT YoU:) SeXy BaBy LeAvE YoU WiTh A SmIlE !ReLaXaTiOn Of your dreams - 23
ALLIE!!! Red Head,, Eager to Release YOUR STRESS!!!! 502-758-6972 - 25
(Louisville, Southern Indiana,, Jeffersonville)
$ 45/65 $ ~ @ ~ ;^) STRESS RELIEF ~ @ ~ ;^) New PICS MUTUAL THURSDAY 12-8 PM call for Appt. - 37
(Louisville, Dixie Highway)
!!!!!@@SHORTY @@!!!!!!! NEW GIRL !!!!!!! NEW GIRL !!!!!! 502-395-8416 - 22
(Louisville, Southern Indiana, Jeffersonville)
SPECIAL!Discount Today ONLY!Let's have the best stress relief EVER❤💘❤!!TWO girl special. - 30
(indiana and louisville, Louisville)
!!!!!@@@PHOENIX@@@!!!!!!! NEW GIRL !!!!!!! NEW GIRL !!!!!! 502-881-6723 - 22
(Louisville, Southern Indiana,, Jeffersonville)
💋💋Retiring 9/25. Sensuous Temple, 502)354-7899 - 49
(64E@265S. 20 min from downtown LOU!, Louisville)
Come treat yourself for Valentine's Day. Mary is working 10am until AFTER MIDNIGHT all week. Call 812-282-6642 - 40
(Louisville, jeffersonville)
Come check Mary out. In late;10am-after MIDNIGHT all week. Call 812-282-6642 - 40
(Louisville, jeffersonville)
Mon 06 Jan
!!!!!@@SHORTY @@!!!!!!! NEW GIRL !!!!!!! NEW GIRL !!!!!! 502-395-8416 - 22
(Louisville, Southern Indiana, Jeffersonville)
!!!!!@@@PHOENIX@@@!!!!!!! NEW GIRL !!!!!!! NEW GIRL !!!!!! 502-881-6723 - 22
(Louisville, Southern Indiana,, Jeffersonville)
▃ ▂★ EMPIRE RELAXATION •🌅🌅 New Management! Best Asian Massage •❤ Best Staff •★▂ ▃ (502) 962-0882 - 25
(5812 PRESTON HWY LOUISE VILLE 40219, Louisville)
Body Sensations Welcome our Farmers to enjoy a stress free day with our beautiful Ladies! - 23
(louisville, Preston Highway)
Come see Mary in her costumes this weekend. 11am-midnight all week. 812-282-6642 - 42
(Jeffersonville, Indiana, Louisville)
!!!!!@@@PHOENIX@@@!!!!!!! NEW GIRL !!!!!!! NEW GIRL !!!!!! 502-881-6723 - 22
(Louisville, Southern Indiana, Jeffersonville)
Now Hiring Welcome our NEW Lady Danielle to Body Sensations ! OPEN LATE - 25
(6019 Preston Highway, Louisville)
!!!!!!NEW Place!!!@@@Dani@@@!!! For that ULTIMATE RELEASE and Stress Relief!!! - 22
(Louisville, Southern Indiana, Jeffersonville)
!!!@@@MISTRESS ARIEL @@@!!! For that ULTIMATE RELEASE and Stress Relief!!! - 40
(Louisville, Jeffersonville)
Nature has turned up the HEAT and FINALLY summer is HERE! Keep cool and RELAX! CALL NOW, no TEXTS! - 34
(7-10 minutes from downtown Louisville, Louisville)
Sexy baby relaxation of your dreams ☆502 593-3186!Ill have u floating to the ceiling;) - 23
(Louisville, right off the gyne Snyder)
SPECIAL!Let's have the best stress relief EVER❤💘❤Today four hand special!! - 30
(indiana and louisville, Louisville)
*****Sensual and Tantalizing Rendezvous*****Call Lexus***New in town** - 25
(Louisville, Louisville outcalls only)
!!!!!@@@PHOENIX@@@!!!!!!! NEW GIRL !!!!!!! NEW GIRL !!!!!! 502-881-6723 - 22
(Louisville, Southern Indiana, Jeffersonville)
I shall be back in town on Monday and Enjoy some true Southern Belle Hospitality - 47
(Louisville, Highlands)
Mary,10am-after MIDNIGHT all week. Cynthia, 10am-5pm today. Call 812-282-6642 - 40
(Louisville, jeffersonville)