Wed 08 Jan
(((( HOT' SEXY' MiXeD' DoMiNicaN MaMi (( 24/7 ))ProFessioNal & Discreet""GRoWN MeN WelCoMe!!!! - 24
(Louisville, All Areas....)
Hailey Baby. Enjoyable experience great companion day or night. New Pics!! - 29
(Louisville, East End Upscale)
i know what u want & need let me give it to u! dream girl sexy brunette lindsay in/out discreet trus - 22
HOT BODY and a Fun Personality - Available Now! - 19
(Bowling Green, Eastern Kentucky, In town, Lexington, Louisville, Owensboro, Western Kentucky)
_________ _________ __________ _____________ GORGEOUS ____________ _________ _________ ________ - 20
(Louisville, INCALL/OUTCALL)
SPECIALS ............... *** I *** R *** R *** E *** S *** I *** S *** T *** I *** B *** L *** E *** - 22
(Louisville Incall ... SpEcIaLs)
♥♡♥♡New Pics Coming Soon♡♥♡♥ Gorgeous & Addictive. 859.913.7360 - 24
(Lexington, Incall & outcall...Lexington ONLY)
(( HeLLo UPdATed))) SeXi SeDucTiVe MiXeD, RelaX&UnWinD;,♥♡SweeT & DisCreeT♥♡ - 24
(Louisville, All Areas....)
💕🍭GorGeous MiXeD PriNceSS 👑 BoDy LiKe WoW 🎀 BuSty BoMbSheLL 💕 Incall Available Now💋 ReAl PhoTos!! - 24
(Louisville, Near Airport)
Hailey Baby Valentines Week Lovers Special Rate !!! ends Friday.New pics - 29
(Louisville, East end)
Fun Single Mom...Incall..qk15/30/60. roses 60/80/120 - 30
(Louisville, Louisville downtown or Southern Ind)
((HoLa Papi (($80 Specials)) Green EyEd ViXeN I GoT WhAt YoU NeeD Porfavor Call RaVeN 760..695..4754 - 24
(Louisville, Private Residence/ Incall Only)
FuN FaCt: ReD HeAdS StAy ₩ € T🌊🌟FrEaKiEsT In ThE iNdUsTrY🌟 - 28
(Louisville, Incall/Preston Hwy/Airport Outcalls Vary)
I am a College Girl with Erotic Desires... - 19
(Bowling Green, Eastern Kentucky, Lexington, Louisville, Owensboro, Western Kentucky)
happy holidays incredible special! gorgeous new pics. lindsay hotter than ever. dreamgirl incall - 21
(Louisville, Lindsay xoxox east end)
💝😘💝 Hi guys...SPECIAL TODAY!! $$90$$ its lovely Lacy. 502-709-0494 - 26
(Louisville, Louisville incall-outcall)
HoT Specials PleaSe Give ThiS ViXeN a CaLL I GoT WhAt YoU NeeD AsK FoR RaVeN 513-616-1847 - 24
(Louisville, Louisville/Discreet Incall Location)
Helen▃▃◥◣◥◣◥◣🐳◥◣◥◣◥◣▃▃▃ 🅰 502-912-7608 🅰 ▃▃▃◥◣◥◣◥◣🐳◥◣◥◣◥◣▃▃▃ 🐳🍋🐳🍋ASIAN INCALL🍋🐳🍋🐳 - 22
(Louisville, 🐳🍋🐳🍋I-65 Ex-121🐳🍋🐳🍋Brooks🐳🍋🐳🍋)
feast your eyes on these hotties ° lindsay & kelli up all nite w/ male appetite ° out or incall 2gir - 21
(Louisville, east end, outcall 2 residence/hotel etc)
.*... G I R L ...*... N E X T ...*... D O O R 》》.... that L♡Ve's to be bent over♥ - - 26
(Louisville, my place)
ೋ _*U_N_L_ I_M _I_T_E_D*_ ೋ _*P_L_E_A_ S_U_R_E*_ ೋ $$$ 100 SpeCiAls $$$ - 24
(Louisville, Airport area. INCALL & OUTCALL)
»(¯`v´¯)» T H E»(¯`v´¯)» T O T A L »(¯`v´¯)» P A C K A G E » (¯`v´¯)-» - 19
(Louisville, Preston Hwy)
💦Total KNOCKOUT👙BUSTY 👄Freaky& Juicy👑💋💖🍭ω€TTMouth🍭🍬JuiCy PhAt A§§ - 24
(Louisville, LouisvilleINCALL)
seductive slave (;***shes a very freaky girl ! INCALL SPECIAL! - 18
(Louisville, incall and outcall)
S_e_X_y * █ Upscale, FUN Beautiful & SO Tempting... Are You Ready.? ! INCALLS - 22
(Louisville, 859-429-1675❀ 24Hr InCaLL And Outcall ❀)
((( SeXi NaUgHty SeNSaTioN...FiT 4 A KinG! (24'7) Availability! Make it Go Drip Drop!!!! ♡♥ - 24
(Louisville, , All areas)
* * * *SE*X*X*X*Y *BLONDE* HOT & READY* * * * Real Pictures * * * * - 22
(Louisville, Incall/Outall)
█▒ _S € X Y ★ ★ PLAYMATE_ ▒█ _★GENA★_ █▒ _T H E ★ O N L Y ★ TRUE ★ COMPANION_ ▒█ - 21
(Louisville, incall and outcall louisville surroundin)
S__M__ O__K__I__ N_!!!_H__ O __T_T*__ {OnE_Of_a_KiND} * { ExXxOTIC _BARBIE _DOLL} - 22
(outcalls NOT available) ★ UNRUSHED INCALL 70.oo 15mins 8O.OO HALF HOUR 16O.OO FULL HOUR - 25
(Louisville, make it simple call a real girl why wait)
Open minded, Fetish Friendly with a Gorgeous Body - 19
(Bowling Green, Eastern Kentucky, Lexington, Louisville, Owensboro, Western Kentucky)
$100 INCALL ONLY AsK fOr STEPHANIE Super HoT Seductive BloNdE HottiE (INCALL ONLY) - 23
/*/*/// Super Incall/ Outcall Specials *** Auburn *** Petite *** 36D / */*/// - 32
(Louisville, Newburg Rd)
Super Sexy FrEAky BBW with toe curling mouth skill$$....and 52 DDD's. Offer hot oil body massages.. - 39
(Louisville, Louisville-Incall)
Taylor ** Upscale Provider * Kiss me Cuddle me - Caucasian Cutie - 26
(Louisville, Lou or close by OUTCALL ONLY)
▒░*❤ SEXXY❤*░▒▓ * ❤.•*_W3++Er💦💦 The BEttEr👍 ❤*░▒▓ ❤✨💜✨UnForgettaBle Pяєttу ƒяσm HEAD✧TO✧TOE✨💜✨ - 19
(Louisville, ✨ my place or yours 💋XoXo)
Sneak out & play w/ Lindsay & my sexy gf! Hottest duet in town! IC or OC! - 23
(Louisville, Louisville (East end private residence))
♥ SO Sexy... SO Fun! ♥ Incall and Outcall Available ♥♡♥ Early Morning Specials ♡♥♡ - 32
(Louisville, Airport / Expo Center)
*____ =P=R=E=T=T=Y= ____*_____ = S=E=X=Y= ____*_____ === ____*_____ =H=O=T=T=I=E= _____$100* - 20
【❤】*▬▬▬* PROVOCATIVE*▬▬▬*【❤】* ▬▬▬▬ ——★—Best M@UTH SKILLZ In Town—————— Curvy▬▬*【❤】* ▬▬▬▬ — - 26
(Louisville, 15-20 mins from MOST —INCALLS————)
One More Day & Night Book Now Kat Highly Reviewed Halfs Available Total Package Don't Miss Out - 29
(Louisville, Incall & Outcall 16th-19th)
Safe trusted Provider! Fantastic Reviews!! BEST BODY IN BUISNESS!! JAWDROPPING New Pics! - 21
(Louisville, Incall for repeats only/ outcall)
👅Ready to do your every command 👅 incall or outcall KATT 502-443-5949 100% real and real pics. - 21
(Incall or outcall, Louisville)
*;* Rise && Shine Fellas- Come Play ! \\GR8 Reviews// Kimora •°100HH 150H°• New # 502 592 1175 - 19
(Louisville, Louisville/Airport (INCALL))
PERFECT ➓ *•♛• ( 5 ☆ S €Rv!C€ ; ) 100 hr special~ CuT¡€ ! ★ TH€ F®€ak!€§T LaTINa - 24
(Louisville, InCall)
▬★★▬▬▬★ REAL ★ ★ ▬ BIG BOOTY ▬ ★★▬▬ ★ SEXY ★ ★★▬▬ SWEET ★▬▬ BLONDE ★★ ▬ - 22
(Louisville, East Louisville)
♥o°• G—U—A—®—A—N—T—€—€—D —— P—L—€—A—S—U—®—E •°o♥ Dirty Blonde Southern Gal Visiting! $75 QUICK STAY! - 24
(Louisville, Incall off Hurstbourne-- LEAVING @ 12AM!)
Relaxing ★ ★GoRGeous BoDy¯*★ So SeXy & seDucTivE. .•´¯*★ ❤️❤️100% AMaZiNG sKiLLs! HoT & SwEeT.•´¯*★. - 24
(Louisville, HurstBourne)
🎀💞💘⇖✘⇗ №➊ ReQUESTED ⇖✘⇗ 💞🎀💞 K!nKy s+xXi ⚠ CAUTION ⚡ ⚡ DaNgeRouS ⚡ ⚡CuRveS ⚡⚡ - 23
(Louisville, Incall Okolona/Outcall)
Personalized Companionship, Body Grooming, Massage By KITTEN. Easy In, Easy Out. - 35
(w. ky., so. in., area)
💋💄Puerto Rican ❤ SEXY❤💋βŶ_ ŃĂŤÚŔĔ❤💋 Hypnotizing Curves💋 BBW💄❤ 💋hablo espanol💋 - 20
(Louisville, Newbury rd incalls/outcalls)
NURU MASSAGE ▂▃▂▃▂▃▂▃▃▂▃▂▃▂▂ JAPANESE “ Louisville ”▂▃▂▃▂▃▃▂▂▃▂▃▂▃▂ 100% PIC▂▃▃▃▂▂▃▂▃▂▃ 929-372-2287 - 20
(Louisville, 🎉🎉🎉Incall in Louisville📲9293722287)
Playful twin kitties Lindsay & kelli! Solo/duo! Go 2 heaven w/ twiNS IC/OC! NEW NUMBER AGAIN! - 25
PuT ThE BEST 2 tHe TEST! ALL YoUrS, aLwAyS ReAdY !!!! ~*~AUBREE~*~ - 25
(Louisville, St. Matthews- Louisville, INCALL/OUTCALL)
Open minded, Fetish Friendly with a Gorgeous Body - 19
(Bowling Green, Eastern Kentucky, Lexington, Louisville, Owensboro, Western Kentucky, In town)