Thu 09 Jan
Get ready for love in 10 min! - 23
(Bowling Green, Eastern Kentucky, Lexington, Louisville, Owensboro, Western Kentucky, Donetska)
👑🐝NEW Beautiful 💯% Real!!!! 🙈💦Extremely skilled 👍😏✔️ Super Sexy!! 💃EboNy Bombshell🍒 - 21
(Louisville, Airport expo)
hey louisvile indy im only here for 2 days 8/12 and 8/13, dont miss your chance - 45
(Louisville, louisville/indiana/nice/very/safe/hotel)
/*/*/// Thursday Evening Incall / Outcall Specials *** Sweet and Petite. Just what you need/ */*/// - 32
(Louisville, East- Blakenbaker)
Up ALL Night **** K A T A N A **** Ultimate Girl **** Take Control for the Night **** - 31
(Louisville, Louisville/Elizabethtown **can travel)
**SupaStarr Amy** .. Party w/ Me.. Leave w/ a Smile;) Call Me! - 24
(louisville, Louisville or Surrounding Area)
**Sweet, Sexy Jessie is available NOW!! Let's have some fun!!** - 23
(Louisville, Louisville, your place)
_PARTY GIRL!!!_ 💋 Big bouncy bOoTy 💋 E✖ΘTiC Curved Bombshell 💦 ⓒⓤⓣⓘⓔ 💦 IN/OUTcalls Etown. - 27
(Airport Area Fern Valley Rd, Louisville)
... __M __MI£K __§HÂK __ß R I N G § __ Â L L __TH __ß O § __TO __TH __ Â R Ð - 20
•:*:• ♥ •:*:• New Girsl Next Door •:*:• ♥ •:*:• Julia & Barbie **** New Pictures! - 22
(Louisville, Horse Shoe, Clarksville, Louisville)
** Native American Beauty ** $100 Special ** See me NOW!! ** - 23
(Louisville, Louisville/S. Indiana)
《¤》 Monday Afternoon Incall/ Outcall... Fun... Exciting 《¤》 Sweet and Petite 《¤》 - 34
(Louisville, East End)
💙 last day working guys take advantage (tessa)🌟 , specials 100hh and 150h call now - 22
(Louisville, airport /Philips lane /fairgrounds)
Late nights with brunette bombshell Lindsay! Incalls avail! Ask about duo s w/ Kelli or jaz! - 25
LAST DAY TO SEE ME! CATCH ME B4 3PM OR MISS ME! 5 star rated! new pics! always greets u in lingerie! - 20
💕Incalls Only 💕 💣Bo0oM 💣Bo0oM 💥PoW!!💥💦👅🍡🍫🍭S W E E T în aLl Th3 R I G H T P L A C E S🍡👅 - 21
(Louisville, louisville ky)
(LAst Day) T✪TAL ❌👊🏾👊🏾👊🏾 KN✪CK✪ut 👊🏾👊🏾👊🏾❌✨💥 BuSty🚨❌🚨 DOLL Face ✨✨✨ - 25
(Louisville, Hurstbourne know❓ (ic/Oc)💄😘👠)
Come and See me NOW. Let me ease your mind ;) Im worth the $$ - 18
(Louisville, E town Radcliff Fort Knox Louisville)
BLONDE Dream Girl !@! BLONDE Dream Girl !@! BLONDE Dream Girl !@! BLONDE Dream Girl !@! BLONDE Drea - 21
AWESOME SpEcIaL R8!! Sexy Italiana, Beautiful, SwEeT & HONEST. Classy NOT Trash! AwEsOmE Reviews!!! - 25
(Louisville, Near Old/Jeff Co Line 3 min off 71N)
I'M ALL YOURS ~~~ HEATHER ~~~ Let Me Make You Feel Special ~~ OUTCALL - 24
(louisville, OUTCALL ONLY Louisville & close by)
i HaVe a NeW PRiViTe iNCaLL SPeCiaL iN THe U of L aRea @ HaYvEN 502-835- 1682 - 30
*iTs OnLy sExy diRty wHeN iTs dOnE riGhT..mAyBe i cAn sHoW U hOw?*XXX PlAyMaTe REDUCED RATE - 22
(Lexington KY & Surrounding Areas)
I love car guys! ;-) outcall specials !! dont miss out,great reviews 812_697_8280 - 25
(Louisville, sou. indiana and lou.)
💋Im Ready Now Baby 💋[] BIG BOOTY BLoNDe []💋[] SoMeThInG LiKe NeVeR BeFoRe [] 💋❤💋❤ - 25
(Louisville, East Side Incall)
*Hhr Spec* Absolutely No One Can Compete W/(Danni Dynamite) Amazing Reviews & Never Rushed *Hhr Sp* - 40
(Louisville, Ot cal(Reg. Only) in call Cls 2 Downtown)
🌺💗HIGH CLASS EXOTIC QUEEN🌺💗💯REAL & Independent 🌺💗CCs Accepted🌺💗5-Star Service🌺NO RUSH - 27
(Louisville, 💎💕East Lousiville Incall Only💎💕)
☆☆☆/////HiGhLy ReViEwEd/// Qs StArTiNg @ 60$// Hh 80$// TwO gIrLs StArTiNg @ 100//★★★★ - 22
(Louisville, jeffersonville five mins from louisville)
•HOT body💋 _+_•Great TITS💋 _+_ •Sweet SMILE💋 _+_ •YOUNG n TIGHT💋 _=_PERFECT ➓~YOUR #① PLAYMATE💋 - 21
(Airport Area, Fairfield Outs, Louisville)
*«*» If you make me a part of your night, I PROMISE to make it un4getable*«*» - 20
(Louisville, ** Your Place** Louisville)
*¨¨*-:¦:- Hot SPECIALS WITH STEPHANIE:) * *¨¨*-:¦:-* - 23
Hey Guys Its MelAnie....... Time for the ReAl dEaL!!!!! - 24
(Louisville, Louisville/Newburg Rd., Southern Indiana)
........ Hottie Kasey looking for Friends ...... 502-356-2130 - 24
(Louisville, louisville/outcalls/incalls)
★.•*¨ ¨*•- :☆ FUNSIZED★.•*¨ ¨*•- :☆ PLAY★.•*¨ ¨*•- :☆ GIRL★.•*¨ ¨*•- :☆ - 21
(Louisville, Louisville/Airport)
(*)(*) Great Rates Great Reviews (*)(*) !!!!!! Supercharged Love Bunny (*)(*) Only 3 Hours Left !!!! - 30
»-(¯`v´¯)-» BlOnDe BoMbShElL »-(¯`v´¯)-» BlOnDe BoMbShElL »-(¯`v´¯)-» BlOnDe BoMbShElL »-(¯`v´¯)-» - 22
💯%ℛrεaℓ p¡cδ♥ tαδtγ ♥ t¡Ght ♥ †@η†ALiZiηg ♥ th¡Ck ♥ †rεmεndouδ ♥ †rε@† ♥ 💯%ℛrεaℓ p¡cδ - - 23
(Louisville, Etown..FortKnox ..Radcliff)
Outcall BiG BOOTY LOVERS DR£AM 💋 ✋!ST0P HERE!✋ 💋 Super JUiCY FR£AK 🍌 👅💦 K¡∫∫∑R SK¡LLs ①00%ŔƐΛĿ - 23
(Louisville, Your Place)
!π©@££ $p3©!@L$ starting at 50$$... 100% Satisfaction GUARAnTEED™ - 22
(Louisville, Southern Indiana)
SaBrina💋 (502)3107181🌹💕🌹Forget the Rest💁Come Get The Best😘😜😍 - 24
(Dixie highway/3mins. Off the Watterson E, Louisville)
💋💕Sexy,sweet and ready to meet~ the best and prettiest on bp 💎💖new pics - 24
(Lexington, Lexington ky (richmond rd))
༄❤*P⃣E⃣R⃣F⃣E⃣C⃣T⃣🔟 reviewed 🎀*❤༄ [B€§† CH♥iC€] 👉Available ✨E✖ΘTiC ❥🎀DOLL FACE🎀⇨☏ⓒⓐⓛⓛ→ⓝⓞⓦ💋 - 20
(Incalls (airport area )& outcalls, Louisville)
Nicky is the 💣💣💣 TEXT now 4 my Sunday special! Please DO NOT waste my time! 35 & ⬆️ Only - 31
(Louisville, incall)
OUTCALLS ONLY ~*~ Credit Cards (and Cash!) Accepted ~*~ 502~922~6731 - 33
(Kentucky and Indiana Outcall, Louisville)
BOOTYman's DreaM w/ HIPS 2 Grip **EARLY MORNING SPECIALS** (502)472-882(one) NEW PICS! - 28
(Louisville, 65/264)
$100 Special Call WhiTnEy 502~386~4675 = = G_O_R_G_E_O_U_S == SEXY== BLONDE NEW Girl in Town! == 23 - 24
(Louisville, Louisville/Hurstbourne Pkwy./Eastend)