Tue 07 Jan
Escape with me Today, Meagan & Let me Melt your Stress Away💗24\7 502-712-6744 - 38
(Louisville, Mins from Fair/Expo Center & Airport)
Mon 06 Jan
★=* Hotel Friendly O_U_T_C_A_L_L_ S ★ 24/7 call now .... - 26
Call now to be in pure ecstasy!! 100%real worth your time!! Specials working late& early - 21
Sun 05 Jan
The ReAl dEaL no games! SeXy sEnSuAl SeDuCtiVe sESsiOnS day&nite;*ErOtiC tOuCh;) WoRtH Ur TiMe&MoNeY; - 23
SEXY EROTIC SATISFYING Full Body Rubs , Openings Today! 502-356-2679 - 34
(Louisville, louisville, surronding areas)
♥ —— ♥ Brazilian♥ Beauty ♥ Entertainment —— ♥ — (Incall) Or (Outcall) - 30
(Louisville, Louisville, Sorrounding Areas.)
Call now for SeXy SeNsUaL SeDuCtiVe sEsSiOnS day&nite; REAL Deal no games 5027597488 ErOtiC ToUCh** - 23
Available 👉NOW 👈 Convenient location🏩 Come spend some time with Cheli 💜 - 31
(fair expo area 24/7🌜🌞, Louisville)
SATISFACTION AWAITS!!Treat yourself to an sensual, erotic, full body rub!! 502-654-2573/ DALLAS - 34
(Louisville, louisville, surronding areas)
Hot Sekky Ladies --- Waiting for your Call -- INCALL 10AM TILL 4pm -- NEW ** 18 ** MADISON --- - 18
(Louisville, 65 / FERN VALLEY RD)
Jacuzzi Suite 🛀 $pecial$ 💌 4 hand available again 👭24/7💋Sensual 🔥Lingerie💋Soft Kissable Lips💋 - 31
(fair/expo/airport incall24/7 some out, Louisville)
4 hand 🛀Jacuzzi Suite 👭24/7💋Mutual Sensual Rubs🔥Lingerie💋Soft Kissable Lips💋Great Reviews - 31
(airport incall24/7 some out, Louisville)
Sat 04 Jan
Come and feel the warm soothing hands of Lyric!!!!!! - 21
(Louisville, Germantown off Poplar Level Rd.)
back by your request" hot n sexy"ready for you dont be stiff and sore ill soothe your aches and pain - 26
(Louisville, Hurtsbourne rd)
treat yourself rite come see me and get complete satisfaction** ExOtiC ToUcH!!specials day an nite - 22
ToP nOtCh ReAl dEal nO GaMeS sExY SeNsUaL sEdUcTiVe seSsiOnS day&nite;*Call Whitney 502-759-7488 - 23
The ReAl dEaL no games! SeXy sEnSuAl SeDuCtiVe sESsiOnS day&nite;*ErOtiC tOuCh;) WoRtH Ur TiMe&MoNeY; - 23
NEW NEW NEW*Now doin in-call & out- call!!! , call me anytime, 24/7* - 26
(Louisville, east louisville/ Gene Snyder & Bardstown)
❤ 2 girl special!! Chanell and Rose 🌹4 hand relaxation ❤ Treat yourself! - 22
(Louisville, Jeffersonville)
SEXY EROTIC SATISFYING Full Body Rubs , Openings Today! 502-356-2679 - 34
(Louisville, louisville, surronding areas)
Ready to have a good time?! Come see Gracie, I'll show u how its DONE! - 24
(Louisville, Southend area by Churchill Downs)
💌 Derby Specials 🍒24/7💋Sensual 🔥Lingerie💋Soft Kissable Lips💋 - 31
(fair/expo/airport/churchill downs 24/7, Louisville)
Fri 03 Jan
SeNsuaL sEducTiVe sEssiOns tHe ReaL dEaL**ExOtiC ToUcH coMpLeTe sAtiSfAcTioN specials day an nite! - 23
Escape with me Today, Meagan & Let me Melt your Stress Away💗24\7 502-712-6744 - 38
(Louisville, Mins from Fair/Expo Center & Airport)
VISITING*^* Xperience Heaven *^*TANTRA *^* Bodywork & *^*Prostate *^*Healing*^*
(Louisville & Lexington Outcall)
💕💕🌟🍭🍭【 U P S C A L E 】 🍬 【 G E N T L E M E N S 】 🍬 【 T R E A T 】🍭🍭 🌟💕💕HOTTIE🍭 - 28
💋💕Gracie is in & here 2 give u a lil sumthin the other cant provide,CALL NOW!💕💋 - 24
(Louisville, Southend area close to Churchill Downs)
4 hand available again 👭24/7💋Mutual Sensual Rubs🔥Lingerie💋Soft Kissable Lips💋Great Reviews - 31
(east incall24/7 some out, Louisville)
cOmPleTe SaTiSfAcTiOn* sEnSuAl sEdUcTiVe sEsSiOnS!! day an nite* 100%tHe ReAl DeAl no gAmEs!! - 23
SATISFACTION AWAITS!!Treat yourself to an sensual, erotic, full body rub!! 502-356-2679! - 34
(Louisville, louisville, surronding areas)
SeNsuaL sEducTiVe sEssiOns tHe ReaL dEaL**ExOtiC ToUcH coMpLeTe sAtiSfAcTioN specials day an nite! - 23
💋~mutual sensual Rubs🔥Lingerie🔥💫Low Rates💖💋Soft Kissable Lips💋Great Reviews - 31
(Louisville, expo fair incall24/7 some out)
DoNt wAsTe YoUr tiMe GeT tHe BeSt* sExY sEnSuAl SeDuCtiVe SeSsiOn*complete satisfaction* day&nite; - 23
Thu 02 Jan