Fri 03 Jan
I am avbl all this week. 502-876-0296 SAVE my # for future appts! - 37
(Louisville, Highlands/Bardstown&Taylorsville; Rd.)
Beautiful Ts Lindsay Available now. Call to make appointment now! 100% real pictures no fakes!!! - 24
(Highlands, Louisville)
♥ Welcome To The SHOW ♥ I am The Main ATTRACTION ♥ $80 - 23
(Louisville, Highlands.... In and Out CaLL)
CALLIE Is Up And Wants To Play..Do You??CaLLIE Is Up Who Wants to play ??? - 24
(Louisville, NeWbUrG, BaRdStOwN Rd, HiGhLaNdS ArEa)
Intelligent Innovative AND Intuitive BODYWORK ARTIST 8am until midnight - 48
(Highlands, Louisville)
Are you stressed? let me find your bliss with my talented hands. Thursday specials - 47
(Highlands, Louisville)
Are you stressed? Have a mini vacation with a beautiful blonde. wednesday specials - 47
(Highlands, Louisville)
💋 WeLcome tO tHe ShOw I aM the MAIN ATTRACTION 💋 80 Day/Night 💋 Erica Baby - 23
(Louisville, Highlands iIn and out call)
•X•——TRŸ M€——°×°——TÕUCH M€——•X•——F€€L M€——°♥°ExOtIc &&Er0t;¡C M*I*X*E*D {PLAY}mate •♡• - 21
(Louisville, Airport / HighLands :|: Call me now)
80 ♡♥♡♥ Super SeXy ♡♥ NeW NumbeR ♡♥♡ Oh Yeah #1 Baby ♡♥♡ Safe Clean Fun ♡♥♡ 80 Day/night - 23
(Louisville, Highlands)
~*****~ FIVE **STAR** CALLIE'** SPECIALS~ ___ ~ ThE ~___~ CLaSSiEsT ~ LADY ~*****~ InCaLL OnLy - 24
(Louisville, NeWbUrG, BaRdStOwN Rd, HiGhLaNdS ArEa)
👉EAT YOUR HEART OUT 👈 Such A💋 Good Time 💕XoXo💕 MOST TRUSTED 80 💕📞 💓80 � - 23
(Louisville, Highlands iIn and out call)
Thu 02 Jan