Thu 02 Jan
Cynthia is in till 4pm. Mary is in 10am until after MIDNIGHT all week. Come check us out. Call 812-282-6642 - 40
(Louisville, jeffersonville)
Come in out of the cold. Cynthia in till 6 Mary, 10 until AFTER MIDNIGHT all week. Call 812-282-6642 - 40
(Louisville, jeffersonville)
Sweet in All the Right Places ~Amy Marie~ 502-432-9661 *VERIFIED AND REVIEWED - 27
(Louisville, breckenridge lane or your place)
Sweet like kayNe, Hot like hell, |ADDICTIVE| like a drug!!!!! - 25
(Louisville, Louisville/Downtown)
Monday special with DDD busty, petite, exotic, middle eastern, former centerfold! - 32
(Lexington, London KY)
New Girl A MUST SEE, 👀 MUST HAVE, & MUST DO! Tell ur pants 👖its not POLITE TO POINT!! - 23
(Louisville, airport downtown)
LOVE ***** LONG ***** HAIR ***** BARBIE ***** PRINCESS ***** LET"S *** PLAY - 19
(Louisville, louisville / surrounding)
★ S£XY★•°o°•★ CUTE★•°o°•★ INCALL★•°o•★ DESIRE★•°o° I LoVe WhAT I Do★•°o°•★ & YoU WiLL ToO ★•°o°•★ - 27
💎ThE ToTaL PaCkAgE🎁💄 ❤HoT🔹YoUnG🔹ReAdY..TeXt Or CaLl Me BaBy📞..OuTcAlLs OnLy 👑👠➡NO HoTeLS✖✖ - 22
(Bowling Green)
READY NOW ••• 😻 Young ••• Sexy ••• Exotic ••• Treat •••😋💦 ••• Sinfully Sweet ••• 👅‼️NEW PICS‼️ READY NOW‼️ - 22
(Lexington, Lexington Incall)
Come And See For Urself Why All My Clients Need A Little Bit Of ***{ "DANNI DYNAMITE" }*** $90 Spec. - 38
Tell me baby are you lonely? Don't wanna rush you...I can help you if you only...let me touch you - 26
.❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ The Perfect Blonde Playmate ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ - - 22
(Louisville, looking forward to us meeting)
_T_R_ Y__❤__ ME __❤___ I_'M___❤ ___ T_H_E __❤__ B _ e_ S_ t - 22
(Louisville, louisville indiana incall and outcall)
T H E _ G I R L _ Y O U _ W I S H E D _ L I V E D _ N E X T _ D O O R ! ! ! - 19
(Louisville, in/out)
The beautiful All Natural snow bunny is Here🐰Waiting to satisfy you with big Juicy Booty🍭$80 special - 20
(Louisville, Louisville ky INCALL ONLY!)
Sweet, Sexy, Seductress Destiny. Don't be fooled by bait and switch. I'm the realest!!! - 26
(Downtown Louisville)
Missy Mercedes Specials Start your weekend off right! Lets have some fun TGIThursday - 39
(Louisville, 264 and taylorsville rd)
Leaving Today! Don't Miss Out! Beautiful Busty Babe With Outcall Specials! 100% Real & New Pics!! - 27
(Louisville, Outcall SPECIALS!!)
LAST NIGHT!! New Location 🏩 💸130hr/85hh/60qv💸 🌟24/7🌞🌙 💞👠Lingerie👙!Great Reviews 🎉 Incall - 31
(Louisville, Fern valley)
Just Arrived Highly Reviewed & Recommend Magic¤al blue eyed blonde beauty - 26
(Louisville, Louisville InCall & OutCall)
LET ME PUT YOUR MIND AT EASE & HELP YOU RELAX!!! Victoria is back! up & ready.. r u? $100 special!! - 25
(Louisville, lyndon st matthews dorsey)
incall Sweet * Sexy * Sensuous * Seductive°Classy Upscale•°Very Well Reviewed;Call Ava5026459814 - 24
(Louisville, Surrounding area indisna)
***_Brand New Face Porcelynn aka Ms. Petite*150 Special*In Calls_Only*** - 19
(louisville, Downtown Louisville area)
Brazilian Dreaam in you City for 2 dAyz looking for fun ;-)... Not here for long, Come See Me !! - 19
(Louisville, Louisville, East end in call only)
Bailey is AVAILABLE! Doing OUTCALLS and INCALLS ThUrSdAy NiGhT sPeCiAl!!.. Come see me :) - 20
(Louisville, Where EVER you want me to be :))
*''* BeAuTiFuL * SeXy * ClAsSy * AnD * TaLeNtEd * * LaDy *''* - 25
(Louisville, Louisville (Bardstown Rd Area))
•- :¦:- • : ° C° L°A° S ° S ° Y ° •:¦:• & :¦:-• ° H ° O ° T ° • -:¦ :- • ° ° B ° L ° O ° N ° D ° E - 21
(Louisville, KEntucky...IndIaNa anD suRRouNdinG)
______ ~~~~~ BRANDY __ SWEETER than the REST ~~~~~ I'M the BEST - 24
(Louisville, louisville / surrounding)
BLONDE BEAUTY • ★ • • ★ • ON • ★ •• • DUTY • ★ •• ★: : ( (♥ ♥ ✅✅ A V A i L A B L E ✅✅ ♥ ♥ ) BRIANNA - 22
(Louisville, Louisville ky outcall only)
Blonde companion your favorite provider Haden's back big booty lovers fav - 22
(louisville, Breckinridge ln)
♥AVAILABLE!!♥ °•°PETiTE °•° BLoNdE °•° PRiNCESS °•° I`M SiMPLY aMaZiNG °•°♥ - 21
(Louisville, Ky/Ind In and outcalls available)
BARBiE iS W0RKiN -- // wrkin ALL DAY n NiGHT-- 5927404 -- $200 VIP - 23