Mon 27 Jan
XoXoXo W : A : R : N : I : N : G!! :☠: TWO EXTREMELY :☠: * H* U* G *E XoXOXO PaRtY GiRlz - 22
(Louisville, Bardstown Rd. 264E, EXIT: 15B)
READY 2 Please You / 9" FF*Hung*MASSIVE MEAT -TS Envii !!_Dont LOWER ur STANdards! - 23
(Louisville, Downtown)
SPECIALS this week only. SPECIALS Let's set off FIREWORKS! ♡♥♡♥ - 35
(Louisville, Min. from downtown Louisville)
So so Tastii * lemme t@§tE You* something 2 sweet 2 miss - 21
(Louisville, Louisville, ky airport incalls)
Simply beautiful, former model... Call me, im so lonely tonight! - 24
(Louisville, Wherever you want me)
Specials o★o True Beauty Awaits o★o Well Reviewed - 24
(Louisville, Breckinridge ln. (Sou. Indiana & Etown))
Louisville top model !!!$! Im REAL carlee 502-224-4443 - 25
(Louisville, Louisville area( out-incalls))
☆☆Louisville's Finest Adrianna and Leah are ready to take care of all your needs!!☆☆ - 22
(Louisville, Louisville/So.Indiana)
****LIPS AND HIPS****call isis* 120$hhr & 160$hr specials* great reviews!! - 23
(Louisville, Lou. New albany,Jeff)
****** KARMA' ~~~~~~ sPeCIaL ~~~~~~ I"M HERE ViSiTing ur city !!!!!!!!!!! Outcalls only - 27
(Louisville, near airport)
LOVE ***** LONG ***** HAIR ***** BARBIE ***** PRINCESS ***** LET"S *** PLAY - 19
(Louisville, louisville / surrounding)
✋↬ 🇱 ✷ ✷ K 👄ⓔⓧⓣⓡⓔⓜⓔⓛⓨ 😘 ⓣⓐⓛⓔⓝⓣⓔⓓ》Just What You've Been Missing 💕 ⓙⓤⓘⓒⓨ 💎1OO% Real👙 PreBooking - 23
(Louisville, Visiting 4/21 - 23 💎 Book Me Now)
👌👏👉 Kloe is back and ready to play what are you waiting for come complete your day💣💵💲🎉 - 21
(Louisville, Bardstown Rd)
🍌🍍Juicy & Sweet to the Root, Wouldn't you like to Taste My Passion Fruit?🍍🍌 - 25
(Louisville, Louisville *****OUTCALL ONLY*****)
LEAVING SOON! ☆★Dont Waste Another Moment Searching★☆Everything U Desire Lies With Me☆★!! - 30
(Louisville, louisville/surrounding areas)
ItS mEgAn l//Hh 80$ //Fh 150$/ qs60//$502/356/8542 - 23
(jeffersonville five mins from louisville, Louisville)
If u think its hot outside, click here n c how hot i am!!! - 30
(Louisville, preston highway, dixie highway)
I Wanna Be Your Dirty Little Secret! - 19
(Bowling Green, Eastern Kentucky, Lexington, Louisville, Owensboro, Western Kentucky, In town)
{___•°•°•___/ Kimora's Weekend Special•: GR8 REVIEWS•: NEW PICS 100% REAL \___•°•°•___} 502_592_1175 - 19
(Louisville, Louisville/Airport (INCALL))
Jump For Joy!! Toe 👄👅💦 Curling Special💲 When You Gamble🎲🎲 On Me You Never Lose💰💰 - 20
(Louisville, Bardstown rd)
Incall🏡 / Outcall 🚗 available ✔️ Escape with an Exotic ✨ and Seductive woman 💋 - 21
(Louisville, Louisville Outcalls/ Incall)
INCALL/OUTCALL - Make me your very own Puerto Rican Princess!!! - 23
iMA SUPER $OAkER All NATURAl REdhEAd lET ME MAkE it RAiN ON YU☔🌂💧 50$PECiAl$ iNCAllS/5029155032 - 23
(Louisville, Louisville/Gene synder/Dixie)
~*~ hOt BlOnDe LiNdSaY ~*~ Incall or Out ~*~ Incall Special ~*~ The Finest Awaits ~*~ - 22
(Louisville, east end or to you)
Educated and Strictly Independent ~ Amy Marie ~ 502-341-9435 - 27
(amy_marie_louisville@yahoo. com, Louisville)
Come see me mutual Fun. Let Me Show You What erotic really means text! - 26
(Louisville, Louisville/Jeffersonville)
$$$««CHeAP 1 giRL AnD 2 gIrL sPeCiALs aLL dAY lOnG»»$$$ cALL mE fOr tHE tiMe oF yOuR LiFe$$$ - 22
(Louisville, Southern Indiana-Lousiville)
♥♡♥CoMe StArT uR LaBoR dAy WeEkEnD oFf RiGhT wItH sWEeT sExY KARMEN♡♥♡ - 23
Busty BLONDE All-American Shemale Nympho, TAKE ADVANTAGE of my youth and innocence.
(Indiana upscale incall)
*#*#*# Come Check Out The 100 Dollar Specials With This Green Eyed Texas Hottie! - 22
(louisville, Airport)
💞💞 Come and kick it with Miss Nadia 812-557-2305 💞💞 - 26
(Louisville, Louisville / Southern Indiana)
Call Madison incalls / outcalls) TÕUCH YOU ;T€AS€ YoU ♥F€€L YoU ; PL€AS€ YoU! - 23
(Louisville, Louisville/Louisville)
Brooke, The California Blonde, Dream Girl💖 💙 💜 Million 💲💋💲 Legs! - 38
(Louisville, New Albany, Jeffersonville, local areas)
★ BRAND NEW mature sexy NIKKI ...★ I just want 2 please you ...!! $75 flat - 32
(Lexington, Lex/ur place or mine)
🍦Brand New 4 You!!🍭I got the Fire🔥You Bring the Wood!!🌟🌟Don't waste time & safety with amatures - 23
(Louisville, bluegrass pkwy)
Come Get Our 80$$ 2 GIRL SpecialS »$» 60$$ 1 GiRL Specials «$« Available All Day - 22
4'11 ThiCk LoVeLy LaDy 100% ReAL piCs I aM ReAdY 2 pLeAsE YoU to ThE MaX - 23
(Louisville, Louisville your place)
$$$$$2 GiRl 100$ SpEcIaLs!!!!! HaLf HoUr AnD HoUr SpEcIaLs.. LoCaTeD oN DiXiE hIgHwAy$$$$$$$$$$$ - 22
(Louisville, louisville/dixie highway)
$5O. SpCL— ♥ — — (sexy) BBW SpECiaL ——♥ $5O .. CV...special ♥ — C.v. —— ★M💋UTH/ B@ckSe💋t.SpECiaL! - 27
(Louisville, —selective -——CV'S only -west-)
100% REAL (ALL NEW TO THE AREA) (TOP SHELF) ( TWO GIRLS 2--OR--1) Blond @ SExxi MIxxED 574/315/7874 - 21
(Louisville, Airport Area/ Surrounding)