Mon 27 Jan
HOT (Pin-up) Girl Next Door ⋯ Sexy Body, Sexier Mind ⋯ Fetish & Newbie Friendly ⋯ DISCRETELY HOSTING - 26
(East End - Hurstbourne + 64, Louisville)
I Can Be A Sweet Girl Next Door Or Burlesque Bombshell, + So Much More! *DISCRETE FUN* - 26
(East End - Taylorsville @ Hurstbourne, Louisville)
Kentucky's Finest Phillie!!! Amy Marie 502 443 5677 - 29
(Louisville, Louisville East End or ill come to you..)
Best Vip Elite Models, Louisville High Class Agency, Finest Ladies Available - 23
(Louisville, Louisville and Surrounding Areas)
LoSt My PhOnE! NeW nUmBeR! Beautiful Blonde Lindsay MaKiNg DrEaMs CoMe TrUe all day/night! - 21
(Louisville, east end or to you)
~*~ hOt BlOnDe LiNdSaY ~*~ Incall or Out ~*~ Incall Special ~*~ The Finest Awaits ~*~ - 22
(Louisville, east end or to you)
CUM N SEE MISS VICKY!! new low prices!! -- MONDAY ONLY $150/ $250-- BEST YOU'LL EVER HAVE - 22
(LOUISVILLE- east end)
Now Hiring Relaxation Specialist .One of the best Business in Louisville - 18
(Louisville, Louisville East End)
HOT (Pin-up) Girl Next Door ⋯ Sexy Body, Sexier Mind ⋯ Fetish & Newbie Friendly ⋯ DISCRETELY HOSTING - 26
(East End - Hurstbourne + 64, Louisville)
☆★ • ViCTORiA • ★ ☆ *CALL ME NOW. I'm Ready an WAITIN* $50 off THURS - 22
(LOUISVILLE- east end)
sexi twin barbie lindsey °•° incalls/ out °•°hot hot hot °•°most trusted provider °•° east end - 21
(Louisville, east end or to you)
Kelli & lindsey twins double the beauty double the satisfaction°•° incalls °•°most trusted providers - 21
(Louisville, east end or to you)
Sun 12 Jan
Sat 11 Jan
Kelli & lindsey twins double the beauty double the satisfaction°•° incalls °•°most trusted providers - 21
(Louisville, east end or to you)
~*^*~ Hot New Pics.. Sexi Lindsey Incalls or outcalls Your Dreamgirl is waiting ~*^*~ - 21
(Louisville, east end or to you babe)
Fri 10 Jan
CUM N SEE MISS VICKY!! new low prices!! -- MONDAY ONLY $150/ $250-- BEST YOU'LL EVER HAVE - 22
(LOUISVILLE- east end)
Big Booty!! Sexy Smile!! Highly Reviewed! **5026552246**IN or OUT! 100hh!! - 24
(Louisville, East End)
upscale experience GODDESS VICTORIA - LOW prices for a limited time!! WED THURS & FRI til 4 only!! - 22
(Louisville/East End)
super sweet hottie Lindsay doing body rubs today ° that's right boys.. let me warm u up! - 21
(Louisville, east end nice discreet location)
Thu 09 Jan
will be in OHIO Area 29th thru the 1st-- UPSCALE service... by vicky -- SEXY YOUNG & SMART!
Aphrodite Companions Seeks The Most Beautiful Educated Reliable Companions for Immediate Work...
(Work Locally or Tour)
☆★ • ViCTORiA • ★ ☆ *CALL ME NOW. I'm Ready an WAITIN* $75 off TUES AM/PM - 22
(LOUISVILLE- east end)
Wed 08 Jan
☆★ • ViCTORiA • ★ ☆ *CALL ME NOW. I'm Ready an WAITIN* $75 off TUES AM/PM - 22
(LOUISVILLE- east end)
A UPSCALE service - Come relax and have your body worshiped by vicky -- SEXY YOUNG & SMART!
~*~ Hot Blonde Lindsay ~*~ Incall or Out~*~ Making Dreams Come True All Day ~*~ - 22
(Louisville, East End or To You)
Sneak out & play w/ Lindsay & my sexy gf! Hottest duet in town! IC or OC! - 23
(Louisville, Louisville (East end private residence))
Tue 07 Jan
super sweet hottie Lindsay doing body rubs today ° that's right boys.. let me warm u up! - 21
(Louisville, east end nice discreet location)
°•°my OH my click here guys°•° sexi and sweet lindsay is such a treat°•° incalls °•° - 21
(Louisville, east end or to you extremely upscale)
will be in OHIO Area 29th thru the 1st-- UPSCALE service... by vicky -- SEXY YOUNG & SMART!