Mon 27 Jan
Louisville top model !!!$! Im REAL carlee 502-224-4443 - 25
(Louisville, Louisville area( out-incalls))
iMA SUPER $OAkER All NATURAl REdhEAd lET ME MAkE it RAiN ON YU☔🌂💧 bAbY iNCAllS/5029155032 - 22
(dixie/louisville, Louisville)
*•☆◆☆◆☆Chocolate Beauty Ms. Fantasy X☆◆☆◆☆◆•· TUESDAY SPECIALS ! Call Now!!! - 21
(Louisville, Out/Incalls Louisville, Ky and Indiana)
130 hrfs special!! slip & slide action with complete satisfaction alexis 502/650-6897 - 22
(Louisville, Louisville & Surrounding Locations)
60$PECiAl$😻dANGEROU$ REdhEAd,iMA $ET U ON🔥hAVE fUN&GET; WAT U dE$iRE 5029155032 incalls only - 22
(Louisville, Louisville/gene synder)
120 Rose Specials limited time o★o True Beauty Awaits o★o Well Reviewed - 24
(Louisville, Breckinridge)
100 Rose Specials till 2:00pm o★o True Beauty Awaits o★o Well Reviewed - 24
(Louisville, Southern Indiana)
60$ specials💨🌟💥💦🔥💧👀👀👌NAUGhTY $kOOl GiRl∆MAkiN UCOME bAC iPROMi$E 5029155032 $60$PECiAl$ - 22
(Louisville, Louisville /gene synder/dixie)
100 Rose Specials Till 12:00pm o★o True Beauty Awaits o★o Well ReviewEd - 24
(Louisville, Southern Indiana or wherever you are)
NEW Exotic beauty Pleasure Sessions,, (new)) new new vegas style ,,,, - 24
(Louisville, UPSCALe suite)
cOmPleTe SaTiSfAcTiOn* sEnSuAl sEdUcTiVe sEsSiOnS!! day an nite* 100%tHe ReAl DeAl no gAmEs!! - 23
➜ LOOK ✪ ••••••••••••••• ☆ ▓► ☆ YOUR #❶ PICK ☆ ◄▓ ••••••••••••••• SeXXy TS - 22
(Louisville, Downtown Louisville / Specials Daily)
yum! hotti totti brunette bombshell lindsay! sexy¤ safe¤ discreet¤ Rare day & night in or out - 22
(louisville, discreet outcall to you fellas tonight)
*•☆◆☆◆☆Upscale Beauty Ms. Fantasy X☆◆☆◆☆◆•· Outcall Specials! Call Now!!! - 21
(Louisville, Out/Incalls Louisville, Ky and Indiana)
Thank God It's Friday... Party with the #1...The Realist Latin Queen Nadia! 812-557-2305 - 27
(Louisville, Southern Indiana/ Louisville)
Ashley's Here👋First Night💦💦💦 100 hhr$pl Good Til Last Drop - 22
(Louisville, Out/Incalls Available Now)
*•☆◆☆◆☆◆Black Goddess Ms. Fantasy X☆◆☆◆☆◆•* Early Wednesday Outcall Special! Call Now!!! - 21
(Louisville, Out/Incalls Louisville, Ky and Indiana)
~*~, Beautiful, Blue Eyes, Big Chested Brunette with Flexible Rates!~*~ - 23
(Lexington, Richmond/Lexington)
💃100% Real! 💖╠╣OT §eXy Petite BLONdE NeW In ToWN 💖 READY 4 YOU! 📲💋💃100% SATiSFACTiON!👍 - 26 - 26
$125hr specials sweet sexy & seductive with amazing & tunnels~ jasmine 502/650-1821 - 22
(Louisville, Louisville & Surrounding Locations)
5029155032 ¢OME ROCkiN W/$EXY,TiGhT&💦💧😻$O ¢OME & TA$TE ThE RAiNbOW $50$>$PECiAl$ 🔥👅👄 - 23
(Louisville, Louisville / dixie / gene synder)
💋🔥•SWeET VANiLlA TrEat!!•🎀🍦Friendly [[CoMpAnIoN]]! BrOwN eYeS☆SoFt SweEt ThIgHs🍭😘READY 4 YOU! - 26
(Airport Expo Center area, Louisville)
SeNsUaL SeDuCtiVe SeSsiOnS day&nite;* no GaMeS ThE ReAl DeAl 100% SeXy SaTiSfAcTiOn at its BeSt!! - 23
NUDE HH SPECIALS! ••FRISKY FRIDAYS•• More then you can handle, but just enough to hold!!! ;* - 23
(Louisville, DOWNTOWN)
Sun 12 Jan
💘😻💦I Scream For Cream😻💦Phat Booty Red Bone💯PERCENT Real Photos💅🏽$150Hh Amazing Porn Star👏🏾Skills🍑💨 - 23
(Louisville, Preston Highway💘💦Incalls🏩$100,150,200)
iMA SUPER $OAkER All NATURAl REdhEAd lET ME MAkE it RAiN ON YU☔🌂💧 bAbY iNCAllS/5029155032 - 22
(dixie/louisville, Louisville)
$PECiAl$😻dANGEROU$ REdhEAd,$ETTiN U ON🔥hAVE fUN&GET; WAT U dESiRE 5029155032 $60$pecial$ ✅ME*OUT - 22
(Louisville, Louisville/gene synder/dixie)
100 Rose Specials till 1pm o★o True Beauty Awaits o★o Well Reviewed - 24
(Louisville, Southern Indiana)
UPDATED ###! ++TEMPTING THURSDAYS++ Sure to please & sure to tease! NUDE SPECIALS!!! - 24
(Louisville, DOWNTOWN)
Sat 11 Jan
#1 Provider ~~~[[[ ** CERTiFiED BuRneTTe ** Enchanting Eyes, KinKY avAilable Now ]]]~~~ - 20
(Louisville, incalls & out calls)
💋ONE Of A kiNd $UPER SOAkER, COME SEE WhAt YUR MISSIN💋 incalls&🚗visitsONlY $$PECiAlS 5029155032 - 22
(dixie/watterson eway, Louisville)
Busty, Beautiful, Smart & Funny!!! Dakota! Great Reviews ******* - 27
(Lexington, Lexington & Local Cities)
Leave the world of stress behind!!!! Why not have a mini Vacation with AMELIA?????? - 47
(Louisville, Highlands)
~•♥• -:¦:- •♥•° GORGEOUS, PETITE & *BUSTY 34C BLONDE ~•♥• -:¦:- •♥•° - 22
(Louisville, Hope is here Incalls & Out 859-410-4795)
$$$$ Hey Guys Its MelAnie ....... Time for the ReAl dEaL!!!!! - 24
(Louisville, Louisville/Newburg Rd.)
gorgeous and Frisky.. pick Lindsay! incall or out. let's have some fun! hottest twins in Louisville - 21
(Louisville, LLouisville and surrounding areas)
♡♡Relax and cool off with this refreshing sweet busty southern Belle of your dreams♡♡ - 25
(Louisville, Louisville KY in your house🏡)
Fri 10 Jan
*•*•*Let me relax you tonight*•*•* $100$ (502)415-3718 - 27
(Louisville, Incalls and out calls available off dixi)
60$ specials💨🌟💥💦🔥💧👀👀👌NAUGhTY $kOOl GiRl∆MAkiN UCOME bAC iPROMi$E 5029155032 $60$PECiAl$ - 22
(Louisville, Louisville /gene synder/dixie)
100 Rose Specials till 2:00pm o★o True Beauty Awaits o★o Well Reviewed - 24
(Louisville, Southern Indiana)