Mon 27 Jan
Chill Nights n White Satin ❤💋❤ Brooke ❤💋❤ Erotic Blonde Beauty, Long Legs - 38
(Louisville, Louisville, Jeffersonville, new Albany)
💎ThE ToTaL PaCkAgE🎁💄 ❤HoT🔹YoUnG🔹ReAdY..TeXt Or CaLl Me BaBy📞..OuTcAlLs OnLy 👑👠➡NO HoTeLS✖✖ - 22
(Bowling Green)
~»~»~ Top Notch Hottie ~»~»~BlOnDe BaRbiE of Your DrEaMs!!!!! - 22
(Louisville, louisville outcall only)
*°•*☆ *•°*-PlEASiNG Y0U iS MY G0Al *°•*☆ *•°* H0T commodity VERY Freaky**** - 23
(Louisville, OUTCALLS only)
Don't interrupt Us You Want A Spanking You Naughty Boy!!!!! Call Lexi!!!! - 22
(Louisville, Louisville OUTCALLS ONLY!!!)
^~•♥•~^.... H€aRt •☆• RaCiNg •☆• HoTTiE ....^~•♥•~^Call SYDNEY - 22
(Louisville, louisville outcalls only)
Brooke, The California Blonde, Dream Girl💖 💙 💜 Million $$ Legs! - 37
(Louisville, Louisville and Surrounding)
~★~★~ TAYLOR ~★~★~ WoMan ThaT WiLL SATiSFiE All YoUre KiNky NeEds~★~★~ - 22
(Louisville, louisville outcalls only)
^~•♥•~^.... H€aRt •☆• RaCiNg •☆• HoTTiE ....^~•♥•~^Call SYDNEY - 22
(Louisville, louisville outcalls only)
•:*:• ♥ •:*:• Hot ==== Petite ===== Sexy Lady •:*:• ♥ •:*:• S-T-A-R •:*:• ♥ •:*:• - 27
(Louisville, Louisville and Surrounding area)
**Queen Bee** is ready for her hive to be buzzing! Her honey is sticky and sweet!♡♡♡ - 27
My name is Carrie im just arriving here in bowling green will be here a lil while just outcalls - 31
(Bowling Green, bowling green ky,franklin ky)
♥▃▅▆██▆▅▃♥ BEAUTIFUL ♥▃▅▆██▆▅▃♥ BLONDE ♥▃▅▆██▆▅▃ ♥BARBIE DOLL - INVITE ME OVER!!!! - 22
(Louisville, Louisville OUTCALLS ONLY!!!)
*****HOT SEXY LEXI!!! Ready to play and treat you like the KING you are!!!!!$$$$$$$ - 22
(Louisville, Louisville outcalls only)
50$ Special TODAY ONLY Bubble Booty36 G ALL NATURAL Visiting from SEATTLE - 23
(lexington, Lexington 50$ SPECIAL UNTIL 7pm TONIGHT)
Busty Brunette Bombshell...Tell Me Your Fantasies...OUTCALLS ONLY. - 22
(Louisville, Louisville & Sou. Indiana)
Hot,Tight and Juicey!! Call now! Latina! - 23
(Louisville, Louisville and Southern IN and surroundi)
Gentleman I'm Candi. Do you have a sweet tooth and need to cure your craving? OUTCALLS ONLY - 25
(Louisville, Louisville KY in your house)
For an Upscale, Classy Lady, call Eloise!!! ** 646-320-0348 ** - 31
(Louisville, Louisville & surrounding - Outcalls Only)
BeAuTiFuL BlOnDE, IN and OUT Call👑Always Available!!👍!✨💵Keeping An Open Mind😘👄💞 - 28
(Jeffersonville, Louisville)
💖💗💖 BlOnDe BlUe Eyed BeAuTy💖💗 ComE SpEnD SoMe TiMe AnD WaTcH uS BoNdE💖 ELLIS - 24
(Louisville, Louisville outcalls)
$100 SpEciALs CaLL KaTie 502-650-7593 PrEtTy, PiNk, JuiCy, TiiGhT, PaY mE RiGhT iF iM yOuR TyPe● - 24
LATE NIGHT SPECIALS! TEMPTINGLY TASTY!!! I have a treat for you! --Ms.Reign-- NEW PICS!!! - 23
I'm available LaTe night's & EaRLy mornings - 25
(Louisville, I like smart men who know what they want)
🚘🚗🚛 VISITING 🙋👉 INCALLS & OUTCALLS🏧 Beautiful TS For Mature Clients Only 🍆 8.5 TOOL🔨 🍑 💯 VERIFIED - 24
Ts Katie Cokks. 36Ds.5'4".10.5. XXX Shemale star..... (Visiting Louisville 2/23-2/26) - 23
NEW 🎉🎉🎉🎉 upscale, professional, model type city girl 🎊🎊🎊🎊VISITING NOW (( Don't miss out )) ‼️‼️‼️‼️ - 24
(All Area Outcalls Only, Bowling Green, Eastern Kentucky, Lexington, Louisville)
★ SuPeR SeXy ✔ #❶ PICK • ╰☆╮♥ ℒ e t ' s _ ℳ a k e _ ℳ a g i c ❤ ╰☆╮♥✔100% REAL - 22
(Louisville, Downtown Louisville / Call Me Now)
❤ 👠 ❤💄❤Shemale Bombshell👄 👠 👄 ❤ Sexy👠 ❤💄 HoT 👄 Fully f👅 VERS 👄 Beauty 💋Amber Hung - 23
(Louisville, Downtown)
****T.S Lana Lane!! !!!!!! The Ultimate Hawaiian SHETREAT!!! Real Recent Photos!!! - 22
(Louisville, Upscale Hotel)
StEaMiNg HoT incALL with RoXXiE So CoMe GeT iT!!! YoUr LittLe DiRtY $ - 23
🎀Sexy brown eyed busty💋 brunette ultimate Southern belle🍭 Candi wants to play🍭🚗 OUTCALLS ONLY - 25
(Louisville, Louisville KY in your house🏡)
☆●☆●☆ SuMMeR ☆●☆●☆ I'm WhAt YoUvE BeeN WaiTiNg FoR All WinTeR ☆●☆●☆ - 22
(Louisville, louisville outcalls only)
***sexy star in town looking for a great time*** mixed puerto rican - 22
(Louisville, louisvillee, ky and surrounding)
Sexy Awesome Ladies •:*:• ♥ •:*:• Welcome Derby Fans! - 25
(Louisville, Louisville and surrounding areas)
LOUISVILLE and surrounding ~~ Military discount! ~ Call Allison ~ 502-922-6731 - 33
(Louisville, Louisville and surrounding)
****** KARMA' ~~~~~~ sPeCIaL ~~~~~~ I"M HERE ViSiTing ur city !!!!!!!!!!! Outcalls only - 27
(Louisville, near airport)
LOUISVILLE'S HEAD NURSE is taking appts. Bbw, sexy and fun. INCALLS/OUTCALLS 5029155614 - 24
(Dixie, Louisville)
LoUisVilLeS sExY liTtLe HelPeR... wHo wAnTs tO bE oN mY nIcE list... - 24
(louisville, louisville....outcall)
💋Katana Madison 💋 BBW Hot MILF💋Available Daytime/Evening Hours💋 - 33
(Louisville, Southern Indiana and Louisville)
💋Katana Madison 💋BBW Hot MILF💋Available Daytime/Evenings and Late Nights💋 - 33
(Louisville, Southern Indiana and Louisville)
If you like it! I LOVE it! satistfaction guaranteed!! 100 specials ! - 27
(louisville, louisville ky)
ItS mEgAn l//Hh 80$ //Fh 150$/ qs60//$502/356/8542 - 23
(jeffersonville five mins from louisville, Louisville)
I S H Y •:*:• ♥ •:*:•Long Legs •:*:• ♥ •:*:• Sexy & Wild College Girl - 25
(Louisville, Louisville, Jeffersonville)
{ Im N the MooD 2NitE & I wANT IT }! OUTCALLS ONLY BOYS!!! New # - 24
(Louisville, east end of louisville)
I'm a N@aaSty GoOd giRL.Im available Late Night's & Early Mornings ... CALL me When you're ready - 25
(Louisville, I'm 15-20mins from most areas incalls)
🍪🍪🍪 CHOCOLATE 🍩🍩 FACTORY🍩🍩 ( now open) TRY Something sweet🍪🍪 CHOCOLATE❗❗🍪🍪 - 23
(Louisville, I will travel🚙 80$ INCALL (east end))
CALL KELLY 317-366-6399 °M°A °G° I °C° A °L°L°Y ° ◕ ‿ ◕ ° D°E °L°I °C° I° O°U ° S° BLoNdE BoMbShELL - 24
6O.oo 2o... Mins pReTty Lil' BrOwn GiRL... (((SPECIALS))) ... 6O..oo 2omins UP LaTe tonight - 25
🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺502 ➖ 95six➖30zero6➖ EXACTLY WHAT YOU'VE BEEN L00KiNG F0R !!!! ➖➖➖🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺 - 23
(Louisville, Outcalls Only (502)956-three00six)
2 playmates 1 mixed ebony/ 1 hawaiian goddess 100 special... in kentucky for a few hours today only - 20
(Louisville, kentucky tennesee indianapolis)
💃100% Real! 💖╠╣OT §eXy Petite BBLONdE NeW In ToWN 💖 READY 4 YOU! 📲💋💃100% SATiSFACTiON!👍 - 26 - 26
1000%Real Deal💋$pecials 💦$pecials.💤🚚Trucker Friendly 💎Outcall $pecials - 22
(etown, , st matthew, Louisville)
★★★Hot NEW Video★★★ EXOTIC Cuban & Samoan 48 DDD BUSTY BIG BUTT Sexy BBW $80 Special - 30
(Louisville, Louisville/outcalls only)
BeAuTiFuL BlOnDE💋💓ReAl PiCs!!👑Always Available!!👍Specials Daily!✨💵Keeping An Open Mind😘👄💞 - 27
(Louisville, Jeffersonville)
Brooke, The California Blonde, Dream Girl💖 💙 💜 Million $$ Legs! - 37
(Louisville, Louisville and Surrounding)
•:*:• ♥ •:*:• Hot ==== Petite ===== Sexy Lady •:*:• ♥ •:*:• S-T-A-R •:*:• ♥ •:*:• - 27
(Louisville, Louisville and Surrounding area)
**Queen Bee** is ready for her hive to be buzzing! Her honey is sticky and sweet!♡♡♡ - 27