Mon 27 Jan
You will be so THANKFUL you called me to RELAX and UNWIND! $10 off until 5pm TODAY! - 34
(7-10 minutes from downtown Louisville, Louisville)
You will be so THANKFUL you called me to RELAX and UNWIND! Don't be a TURKEY, call me now! - 34
(7-10 minutes from downtown Louisville, Louisville)
WARM UP and RELAX! Make RELAXATION your best RESOLUTION yet! $10 OFF until 11 PM TODAY ONLY!
(7-10 minutes from downtown Louisville, Louisville)
Where the ocean meets the sky, I'll be sailing...YOUR RELAXATION RETREAT is right here! Call NOW! - 35
(7-10 minutes from downtown Louisville, Louisville)
You will be so THANKFUL you called me to RELAX and UNWIND! Don't be a TURKEY, call now! - 34
(7-10 minutes from downtown Louisville, Louisville)
OPEN for Thunder Over Louisville! Indiana Side! NO DRUNKS PLEASE!
(Louisville, 7-10 minutes from downtown Louisville)
Sun 12 Jan
WARM UP and RELAX! Make RELAXATION your best RESOLUTION yet! I can help! CALL ME NOW!
(7-10 minutes from downtown Louisville, Louisville)
Where the ocean meets the sky, I'll be sailing...YOUR RELAXATION RETREAT is right here! NO TEXTS!!!! - 35
(7-10 minutes from downtown Louisville, Louisville)
Sat 11 Jan
FALL into my hands and RELAX! Warm and Friendly Atmosphere! $10 off until 11 pm tonight ONLY! - 34
(7-10 minutes from downtown Louisville, Louisville)
Baby, It's Cold Outside! Warm Up And RELAX! Call NOW For Appointment! I Book Fast! - 34
(7-10 minutes from downtown Louisville, Louisville)
OPEN for Thunder Over Louisville! Indiana Side! NO DRUNKS PLEASE!
(Louisville, 7-10 minutes from downtown Louisville)
(Louisville, 7-10 minutes from downtown Louisville)
You will be so THANKFUL you called me to RELAX and UNWIND! $10 off until 5pm TODAY! - 34
(7-10 minutes from downtown Louisville, Louisville)
Tired of the Turkeys? You'll be THANKFUL you relaxed HERE! LOW RATES, OPEN LATE, CALL NOW!
(Louisville, 7-10 minutes from downtown Louisville)
SPRING in like LION and leave like a LAMB! RELAX HERE! $10 off until 11 pm TODAY!
(Louisville, 7-10 minutes from downtown Louisville)
Fri 10 Jan
SPRING in like a LION, and leave like a LAMB! RELAX and UNWIND at my RELAXATION STATION! NO TEXTS!!! - 34
(7-10 minutes from downtown Louisville, Louisville)
RELAX and UNWIND with this MAY FLOWER! I hold the key to a better day! Call NOW!
(Louisville, 7-10 minutes from downtown Louisville)
Nature has turned up the HEAT and FINALLY summer is HERE! Keep cool and RELAX! CALL NOW, no TEXTS! - 34
(7-10 minutes from downtown Louisville, Louisville)
Celebrate the New Year the right way! $10 OFF UNTIL 11 PM TODAY ONLY!
(Louisville, 7-10 minutes from downtown Louisville)
Where the ocean meets the sky, I'll be sailing...YOUR RELAXATION RETREAT is right here! NO TEXTS!!!! - 35
(7-10 minutes from downtown Louisville, Louisville)
Tired of the Turkeys? You'll be THANKFUL you relaxed HERE! LOW RATES, OPEN LATE, CALL NOW!
(Louisville, 7-10 minutes from downtown Louisville)
You will be so THANKFUL you called me to RELAX and UNWIND! Don't be a TURKEY, call me now! - 34
(7-10 minutes from downtown Louisville, Louisville)
You will be so THANKFUL you called me to RELAX and UNWIND! Don't be a TURKEY, call now! - 34
(7-10 minutes from downtown Louisville, Louisville)
Thu 09 Jan
Start the New Year Relaxed, Refreshed, and Rejuvenated! I can help! Call NOW! - 34
(7-10 minutes from downtown Louisville, Louisville)
It's a New Year, Treat Yourself and RELAX Here! $10 OFF UNTIL 11 PM TODAY ONLY!
(Louisville, 7-10 minutes from downtown Louisville)
Baby, It's Cold Outside! Warm up and RELAX here! LOW RATES, OPEN LATE, CALL NOW!
(Louisville, 7-10 minutes from downtown Louisville)
WARM UP and RELAX! Make RELAXATION your best RESOLUTION yet! I can help! CALL ME NOW!
(7-10 minutes from downtown Louisville, Louisville)
SPRING in like LION and leave like a LAMB! RELAX HERE! $10 off until 11 pm TODAY!
(Louisville, 7-10 minutes from downtown Louisville)
WARM UP and RELAX! Make RELAXATION your best RESOLUTION yet! $10 OFF until 11 PM TODAY ONLY!
(7-10 minutes from downtown Louisville, Louisville)
Wed 08 Jan
It's a New Year, Treat Yourself and RELAX Here! Low Rates, Open Late, Call Now!
(Louisville, 7-10 minutes from downtown Louisville)
Where the ocean meets the sky, I'll be sailing...YOUR RELAXATION RETREAT is right here! Call NOW! - 35
(7-10 minutes from downtown Louisville, Louisville)
Tue 07 Jan
Heat got you feeling blah? Relax and chill! I'm here to help you unwind. TEXTS WILL NOT BE ANSWERED! - 35
(7-10 minutes from downtown Louisville, Louisville)
RELAX and UNWIND with this MAY FLOWER! I hold the key to a better day! Call NOW!
(Louisville, 7-10 minutes from downtown Louisville)
Mon 06 Jan
Nature has turned up the HEAT and FINALLY summer is HERE! Keep cool and RELAX! CALL NOW, no TEXTS! - 34
(7-10 minutes from downtown Louisville, Louisville)
Start the New Year Relaxed, Refreshed, and Rejuvenated! I can help! Call NOW! - 34
(7-10 minutes from downtown Louisville, Louisville)
It's a New Year, Treat Yourself and RELAX Here! Low Rates, Open Late, Call Now!
(Louisville, 7-10 minutes from downtown Louisville)
Baby, It's Cold Outside! Warm Up And RELAX! Call NOW For Appointment! I Book Fast! - 34
(7-10 minutes from downtown Louisville, Louisville)
Sun 05 Jan
SPRING in like a LION, and leave like a LAMB! RELAX and UNWIND at my RELAXATION STATION! NO TEXTS!!! - 34
(7-10 minutes from downtown Louisville, Louisville)
Sat 04 Jan
RELAX and UNWIND with this MAY FLOWER! You deserve it, don't you? Call NOW!
(Louisville, 7-10 minutes from downtown Louisville)
It's a New Year, Treat Yourself and RELAX Here! $10 OFF UNTIL 11 PM TODAY ONLY!
(Louisville, 7-10 minutes from downtown Louisville)
Heat got you feeling blah? Relax and chill! I'm here to help you unwind. TEXTS WILL NOT BE ANSWERED! - 35
(7-10 minutes from downtown Louisville, Louisville)
Fri 03 Jan
Enjoy fast horses and beautiful women? RELAX and INDULGE with a GAMBLE that makes you a winner! - 34
(7-10 minutes from downtown Louisville, Louisville)
(Louisville, 7-10 minutes from downtown Louisville)
FALL into my hands and RELAX! Warm and Friendly Atmosphere! $10 off until 11 pm tonight ONLY! - 34
(7-10 minutes from downtown Louisville, Louisville)
RELAX and UNWIND with this MAY FLOWER! You deserve it, don't you? Call NOW!
(Louisville, 7-10 minutes from downtown Louisville)
Enjoy fast horses and beautiful women? RELAX and INDULGE with a GAMBLE that makes you a winner! - 34
(7-10 minutes from downtown Louisville, Louisville)
Thu 02 Jan