Mon 27 Jan
100 Rose Incall Specials All Night o★o True Beauty Awaits o★o Well Reviewed - 24
(Louisville, Hurstbourne pkwy)
★ ★incalls / outcalls ~⭐ Y_O_U_R •💕• ~D_R_E_A_M~ •💕• G_I_R_L ⭐~* SinFully SWeET ★ - 22 - 22
💖 Sunday FUN with Vivian, Lexingtons PREMIER COMPANION💞 📞859-321-7836 - 34
(Lexington, Richmond Road)
*¨¨*.. S . M . O . K . I . N .*¨¨*. H . O . T . T . *¨¨* B . L . O . N . D .. *¨¨* - 26
ALLIE! Brand New and Very Experienced. Come Check me out! - 24
(Louisville, Louisville ky Taylor Blvd South Side.)
1000000 %%%%% REAL 💕💕💋 MiSS KiNK¥ Kimberly¥♡💕💕 ➡£X0TiC MiXXTUR£ ♡ S£X¥ B0D¥ 💜㏂/㏘ TH£ B£ST❗⬅ - - 22
(Louisville, louisville ky)
100 Rose Outcall Specials o★o True Beauty Awaits o★o Well Reviewed - 24
(Louisville, Hurstbourne pkwy)
Sun 12 Jan
💖💖▬🍎InCALL▬💖💖 Two GIRLS💖💖▬🍎🌺🍎🍎🌺🍎▬💖 512-202-0516 💖▬🍎🌺🍎🍎🌺🍎▬💖 GORGEOUS VIET MODE - 20
(Louisville, Red roof Pl)
Plans with Nivea This weekend! Make it happen!! δεnsual💄👠 Reliable 💛 PERFECT🔟 IN/OUT - 20
(Louisville, East end hurstbourne/Outcall)
Sat 11 Jan
** Breath taking new pics** Amazing reviews. Jaz it up! Sexy Latina. Out calls only - 23
(Louisville, Airport)
**NuNu**=(SeXi MiXeD)**UPScale TreatMenT :4GroWN MeN ONLY!♥♡ - 24
(Louisville, Caution➡Sexi Dominican Were you Want Me)
★ __________ (¯`'•.¸ ♥ ¸.•'´¯) HOT - VIP - CURVY BLONDE ¯`'•.¸ ♥ ¸.•'´¯) _________ ★ - 21
100 Rose Incall Specials All Night o★o True Beauty Awaits o★o Well Reviewed - 24
(Louisville, Hurstbourne pkwy)
100 Rose Outcall Specials o★o True Beauty Awaits o★o Well Reviewed - 24
(Louisville, Hurstbourne pkwy)
Fri 10 Jan
**NuNu**=(SeXi MiXeD)**UPScale TreatMenT :4GroWN MeN ONLY!♥♡ - 24
(Louisville, Caution➡Sexi Dominican Were you Want Me)
The EUROPEAN EXPERIENCE... A True Delight! ... 1o0 rose SPECIAL!!! Call me - 20
(Louisville, HurstBOURNE discreet INCALL out.. 247)
NuNu ➡((Cute on OutSide↔WaRm On the InSiDe #1GeNtleMen's ChoiCe!! 💝💝 - 24
(Louisville, all areas louisville, palm springs)
*¨¨*.. S . M . O . K . I . N .*¨¨*. H . O . T . T . *¨¨* B . L . O . N . D .. *¨¨* - 26
Thu 09 Jan
~ ** ~ ** ~ UPSCALE MATURE BLONDE COMPANION VISITING LOUISVILLE .. Aug 30th / 31st ~ ** ~ ** ~ - 38
(Louisville, Kentucky)
N€W N€W MiXed PeTiTe TReAt!! :: TanTaLiZiNg• ELecTRiFYing √√EXCiTEMent W/ ReaL LiGhTSKin BeauTY! - 21
♡ Exotic Latina vixen. 60+ outstanding reviews♥♥ verified. ill be the best you ever had♡ - 23
(Louisville, airport)
Call Eloise -- Louisville Incall Today -- 270=681=2369 - 29
(Louisville, Louisville - Incall or Outcall)
** Breath taking new pics** Amazing reviews. Jaz it up! Sexy Latina - 23
(Louisville, East louisville)
Wed 08 Jan
** Breath taking new pics** Amazing reviews. Jaz it up! Sexy Latina. Outcalls only - 23
(Louisville, East louisville)
1000000 %%%%% REAL 💕💕💋 MiSS KiNK¥ Kimberly¥♡💕💕 ➡£X0TiC MiXXTUR£ ♡ S£X¥ B0D¥ 💜㏂/㏘ TH£ B£ST❗⬅ - - 22
(Louisville, louisville ky)
Tue 07 Jan
Plans with Nivea This weekend! Make it happen!! δεnsual💄👠 Reliable 💛 PERFECT🔟 IN/OUT - 20
(Louisville, East end hurstbourne/Outcall)
2 playmates 1 mixed ebony/ 1 hawaiian goddess 100 special... in kentucky for a few hours today only - 20
(Louisville, kentucky tennesee indianapolis)
** Breath taking new pics** Amazing reviews. Jaz it up! Sexy Latina. Out calls only - 23
(Louisville, Airport)
♡ Exotic Latina vixen. 60+ outstanding reviews♥ verified. ill be the best you ever had♡ outcalls - 23
(Louisville, outcalls only)
**you deserve me** outstanding reviews! Jaw dropping new pics!! Jaz it up. - 23
(Louisville, Airport east)
♡ Exotic Latina vixen. 60+ outstanding reviews♥ verified. ill be the best you ever had♡ outcalls - 23
(Louisville, outcalls only)
Mon 06 Jan
Call Eloise -- Louisville Incall Today -- 270=681=2369 - 29
(Louisville, Louisville - Incall or Outcall)
💖 Sunday FUN with Vivian, Lexingtons PREMIER COMPANION💞 📞859-321-7836 - 34
(Lexington, Richmond Road)
NuNu ➡((Cute on OutSide↔WaRm On the InSiDe #1GeNtleMen's ChoiCe!! 💝💝 - 24
(Louisville, Louisville, all areas)
★ __________ (¯`'•.¸ ♥ ¸.•'´¯) HOT - VIP - CURVY BLONDE ¯`'•.¸ ♥ ¸.•'´¯) _________ ★ - 21
**you deserve me** outstanding reviews! Jaw dropping new pics!! Jaz it up. - 23
(Louisville, Airport east)
~ ** ~ Visiting Louisville Nov 19th ~ ELITE SOPHISTICATED BLONDE COMPANION ~ ** ~ - 38
(Louisville, Kentucky)
Sun 05 Jan
** Breath taking new pics** Amazing reviews. Jaz it up! Sexy Latina - 23
(Louisville, East louisville)
** Breath taking new pics** Amazing reviews. Jaz it up! Sexy Latina. Outcalls only - 23
(Louisville, East louisville)
N€W N€W MiXed PeTiTe TReAt!! :: TanTaLiZiNg• ELecTRiFYing √√EXCiTEMent W/ ReaL LiGhTSKin BeauTY! - 21
★ ★ INCALLS / OUTCALLS ~⭐ Y_O_U_R •💕• ~D_R_E_A_M~ •💕• G_I_R_L ⭐~* SinFully SWeET ★ - 22 - 22
120 Rose Specials till 11:00am o★o True Beauty Awaits o★o Well Reviewed - 24
(Louisville, Breckinridge)
💕 100 SPEICAL💕💋 MiSS KiNK¥ Kimberly¥♡💕💕 ➡£X0TiC MiXXTUR£ ♡ S£X¥ B0D¥ 💜㏂/㏘ TH£ B£ST❗⬅ - - 22
(Louisville, louisville ky)
★ ★incalls / outcalls ~⭐ Y_O_U_R •💕• ~D_R_E_A_M~ •💕• G_I_R_L ⭐~* SinFully SWeET ★ - 22 - 22
Sat 04 Jan
((BaCk FroM SpRing BreAk!! ((HoT,SeXi, SeXi MiXed)).↑UpScale TreatMent 2 GroWN MeN ONLY!♥♡ - 24
(Louisville, All Areas....)
~ ** ~ ** ~ UPSCALE MATURE BLONDE COMPANION VISITING LOUISVILLE .. Aug 30th / 31st ~ ** ~ ** ~ - 38
(Louisville, Kentucky)
ALLIE! Brand New and Very Experienced. Come Check me out! - 24
(Louisville, Louisville ky Taylor Blvd South Side.)
Fri 03 Jan
**frisky feline****sexy Santa helper* *sexy student* have it your way. 130$ holiday half$. Jaz it up - 23
(Louisville, Downtown)
NuNu ➡((Cute on OutSide↔WaRm On the InSiDe #1GeNtleMen's ChoiCe!! 💝💝 - 24
(Louisville, all areas louisville, palm springs)
((BaCk FroM SpRing BreAk!! ((HoT,SeXi, SeXi MiXed)).↑UpScale TreatMent 2 GroWN MeN ONLY!♥♡ - 24
(Louisville, All Areas....)
💖💖▬🍎InCALL▬💖💖 Two GIRLS💖💖▬🍎🌺🍎🍎🌺🍎▬💖 512-202-0516 💖▬🍎🌺🍎🍎🌺🍎▬💖 GORGEOUS VIET MODE - 20
(Louisville, Red roof Pl)
**frisky feline****sexy Santa helper* *sexy student* have it your way. 130$ holiday half$. Jaz it up - 23
(Louisville, Downtown)
♡ Exotic Latina vixen. 60+ outstanding reviews♥♥ verified. ill be the best you ever had♡ - 23
(Louisville, airport)
Thu 02 Jan